AlliedOP lives to serve its amputee patient population. AlliedOP has assembled a team of the best prosthetists on earth to meet your clinical needs. However, in the course of treating our thousands of amputee patients, we have also learned there are many elements to amputee patient care – beyond just clinical. For that reason, AlliedOP also employs five full-time patient advocates on its staff. Each of AlliedOP’s patient advocates are amputees themselves, and their role is just like it sounds – to advocate for you, the patient, in any way that is necessary.

From head to toe, AlliedOP has you covered. Our custom-fabricated orthotic devices are designed and manufactured by our orthotists in collaboration with your primary care provider or specialist with one goal in mind – improve and enhance your life. When done correctly, an orthotic device can change a patient’s life, whether it be through pain reduction, enhanced mobility, or overall joint support.

Technology is revolutionizing the orthotic and prosthetic industry and AlliedOP is at the forefront of the revolution. Our highly trained professional and technical staff have received specialized training in the most technologically advanced devices. AlliedOP routinely applies advanced, state-of-the-art patented technology, including micro-processor knees, feet, ankles and hands.